Last update Jan. 9, 2024
Suggestions made at e-lactancia are done by APILAM team of health professionals, and are based on updated scientific publications. It is not intended to replace the relationship you have with your doctor but to compound it. The pharmaceutical industry contraindicates breastfeeding, mistakenly and without scientific reasons, in most of the drug data sheets.
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e-lactancia is a resource recommended by Amamanta of Spain
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Diving, in any of its modalities (free diving, freediving or scuba diving), is compatible with the maintenance of breastfeeding. (aquamed 2024, DAN 2020,2019, 2016 y 1999, Boderé 2006, Tayor 2004 y 2003)
The accumulation in body tissues of nitrogen and other gases that may occur during scuba diving does not affect milk quality. Nitrogen bubbles are not likely to occur in the milk during decompression in significant quantity, but this would also not pose any risk to the infant as there is normally swallowed air in the gut and this is almost 79% nitrogen, which is an inert gas that does not cause problems to living things. (aquamed 2024, DAN 2020, 2019, 2016 y 1999, Taylor 2004 y 2003)
Diving induces an increase in diuresis and a loss of body water (Neuman 1979). The breastfeeding woman should take this into account in order to regulate her water intake.
Prolactin levels decrease during submersion but only transiently (Karmali 1976), so milk production need not be significantly affected. Other authors have observed transient and non-significant elevations in prolactin levels. (McLellan 2010, Anegg 2002)
For obstetric reasons it is recommended to wait 3 to 4 weeks after delivery to resume diving and 4 to 8 weeks in case of cesarean section. (DAN 2016, Taylor 2004 y 2003)
Given the compression exerted by the wetsuit (neoprene or other material) and the increased pressure when submerged, it may be advisable for the breast to be as "empty" as possible before diving (breastfeeding or pumping beforehand). Consider putting a cotton dressing between the nipple and the wetsuit if there is excessive rubbing.
Avoid diving in case of mastitis. (DAN 2020, Taylor 2004 y 2003)
There are good testimonies of breastfeeding mothers who dive and experience no problems other than those derived from the lack of schedule (on-demand administration) of breastfeeding, especially the first few months and the inconvenience or impossibility of taking the infant with them to sea, so it may be worth having expressed milk in reserve to administer and express milk on board in the meantime.