Last update June 14, 2022
Suggestions made at e-lactancia are done by APILAM team of health professionals, and are based on updated scientific publications. It is not intended to replace the relationship you have with your doctor but to compound it. The pharmaceutical industry contraindicates breastfeeding, mistakenly and without scientific reasons, in most of the drug data sheets.
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An atypical or second generation antipsychotic indicated in the treatment of schizophrenia, manic episodes of bipolar disorder and persistent aggression in dementias such as Alzheimer's. Oral administration in two daily doses.
Risperidone and its active metabolite (paliperidone) are excreted in breastmilk in very small amounts.(Weggelaar 2011, Aichhorn 2005, Ilett 2004, Hill 2000).
No problems have been observed in infants whose mothers were taking it. (Viguera 2022, Aichhorn 2005, Ilett 2004, Ratnayake 2002)
The plasma levels of these infants were undetectable or very low. (Weggelaar 2011, Aichhorn 2005, Ilett 2004)
A one-month-old infant whose mother was treated daily with 1.5 mg of risperidone and 0.8 mg of haloperidol had no problems during the first month of life. Sedation and poor nutrition appeared when the dose of haloperidol was increased to 1.5 mg daily. (Uguz 2019).
Risperidone causes, more frequently (OR 4.3; 1.3-14.3) than quetiapine, increased levels of prolactin and galactorrhea (Trinchieri 2021, Glocker 2021, Agapoff 2020, Sakaguchi 2019, Kc 2018, Pratheesh 2011, Afzal 2007, Holzer 2006, Madhusoodanan 2006, Ilett 2004, Haddad 2004, Kearns 2000, Popli 1998). Some authors have suggested its use as a galactogogue. (Parashar 2007)
Expert authors consider this medication possible with caution during breastfeeding. (Hale, Uguz 2021, Parikh 2014, Klinger 2013) and preferable to antipsychotics derived from phenothiazine (Rowe 2013), although other alternatives, such as olanzapine or quetiapine, may be preferable. (Hale, LactMed, Pacchiarotti 2016)
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