Last update May 1, 2022
Suggestions made at e-lactancia are done by APILAM team of health professionals, and are based on updated scientific publications. It is not intended to replace the relationship you have with your doctor but to compound it. The pharmaceutical industry contraindicates breastfeeding, mistakenly and without scientific reasons, in most of the drug data sheets.
Your contribution is essential for this service to continue to exist. We need the generosity of people like you who believe in the benefits of breastfeeding.
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Omeprazole is also known as
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e-lactancia is a resource recommended by La Liga de la Leche, España of Spain
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Proton pump inhibitor (PPI), reducing gastric acid secretion. Oral administration once or twice a day.
Its pharmacokinetic data (very high percentage of plasma protein binding and short half-life) explain the negligible passage to milk observed. (Marshall 1998)
No problems have been observed in infants of mothers who took omeprazole (Marshall 1998). Possible adverse reactions are rare and not serious. (Dexcel 2021, AEMPS 2017)
Shown to be labile in acid-pH environment must be administered in the form of micro-granules within an enteric-coated capsule (AEMPS 2017): any small quantity reaching the infant's stomach would be readily inactivated.
Authorized use in children from one year of age. It has been used in newborns
A similar product, pantoprazole, also has negligible excretion in breast milk and did not cause problems in the infant.(Plante 2004)
Manufacturers (Dexcel 2021, AEMPS 2017) and expert authors (Rowe 2013, Nava 2006) consider that the risk of affecting the infant is very unlikely.
Omeprazole and other PPIs can cause hyperprolactinemia, galactorrhea, and gynecomastia. (Prikis 2020, He 2019, Jabbar 2010)
See below the information of this related product: