Last update Oct. 7, 2023

Conchiro, Noceira, Nogueira


Safe product and/or breastfeeding is the best option.

The dried leaves of the tree are used as well as the shell of the fruit. The nut is used as food. It contains tannins, naphthoquinones, flavonoid derivatives (hyperoside, juglanin, quercetin), phenolic acids (caffeic, gallic) and ascorbic acid. It has antioxidant properties (Qureshi 2014). It is used in traditional medicine topically as a healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, and orally as an antidiarrheal, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and neuroprotective ( Some of these properties are supported by scientific evidence (Lockyer 2022) and others are not. (Cahoon 2021)

At the time of the last update we found no published data in relation to breastfeeding.

Plant devoid of toxicity; its moderate oral use (infusions, powder) would be compatible with breastfeeding.

Topical and food uses are fully compatible.

Suggestions made at e-lactancia are done by APILAM team of health professionals, and are based on updated scientific publications. It is not intended to replace the relationship you have with your doctor but to compound it. The pharmaceutical industry contraindicates breastfeeding, mistakenly and without scientific reasons, in most of the drug data sheets.

Jose Maria Paricio, Founder & President of APILAM/e-Lactancia

Your contribution is essential for this service to continue to exist. We need the generosity of people like you who believe in the benefits of breastfeeding.

Thank you for helping to protect and promote breastfeeding.

José María Paricio, founder of e-lactancia.

Other names

Conchiro, Noceira, Nogueira is Walnut, English walnut, tree nuts in Portuguese.

Is written in other languages:

Conchiro, Noceira, Nogueira is also known as


Main tradenames from several countries containing Conchiro, Noceira, Nogueira in its composition:


  1. Vanaclocha B, Cañigueral S. 1992 - - Disponible en: Consulted on Dec. 21, 2023 Abstract
  2. Lockyer S, de la Hunty AE, Steenson S, Spiro A, Stanner SA. Walnut consumption and health outcomes with public health relevance-a systematic review of cohort studies and randomized controlled trials published from 2017 to present. Nutr Rev. 2022 Dec 6;81(1):26-54. Consulted on Oct. 7, 2023 Abstract
  3. Cahoon D, Shertukde SP, Avendano EE, Tanprasertsuk J, Scott TM, Johnson EJ, Chung M, Nirmala N. Walnut intake, cognitive outcomes and risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Med. 2021 Dec;53(1):971-997. Consulted on Oct. 7, 2023 Abstract
  4. Qureshi SA, Lund AC, Veierød MB, Carlsen MH, Blomhoff R, Andersen LF, Ursin G. Food items contributing most to variation in antioxidant intake; a cross-sectional study among Norwegian women. BMC Public Health. 2014 Jan 16;14:45. Consulted on Oct. 7, 2023 Abstract

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e-lactancia is a resource recommended by El Parto Es Nuestro of Spain

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